Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay - 1773 Words
On April 12, 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. composed one of his most famous letters in a Birmingham jail addressing eight prominent Alabama clergymen. This letter known as The Letter from Birmingham Jail has become one of the most important works in the fields of theology and ethics since its composition. In the following essay, I will attempt to provide a brief illustration of the intellectual landscape that King developed over his short life as well as touch major influential experiences that contributed to King’s ethical and theological developments as seen within this prolific letter. This endeavor is not only to satisfy my own curiosity, but more importantly begin to peer more deeply into this legendary prophet in the hopes that I may be able to apply his own theological understandings the context in which we live. To begin, it is important to first reflect on the childhood experiences and the culture that King was raised. In his book, God and Human Dignity, Burrow poigna ntly notes, â€Å"Martin Luther King was a human being, no more or less so than any member of his family tree, or any other human being.†This is to say that the significance of King should not be entirely placed upon King as an individual, but on the context that King was raised. Therefore, it is important to briefly illustrate the racial landscape that King inherited as well as touch on major influential experiences that contributed to King’s ethical and theological development. By the time King wasShow MoreRelatedA Letter From The Birmingham Jail1110 Words  | 5 Pagesstatement of the text’ which is often drawn directly from the Bible; (3) the ‘body of the sermon,’ which consists of repeated emotional climaxes; and (4) the ‘conclusion’ which resolves the emotional tension aroused by the sermon by drawing the sinners to God.†(Pipes 143). Based on these characteristics and King’s religious background and experience a s a preacher, it is logical to argue that the structure of â€Å"A Letter from the Birmingham Jail†resembles that of a sermon which is aimed at an audienceRead MoreLetter from Birmingham Jail1872 Words  | 8 Pages2015 Letter from Birmingham Jail-Rhetorical Analysis Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†in order to address the biggest issue in Birmingham and the United States at the time (racism) and to also address the critics he received from the clergymen. The letter discusses the great injustices happening toward the Black community in Birmingham and although it is primarily aimed at the clergymen King writes the letter for all to read. In his â€Å"Letter from Birmingham JailRead MoreThe Letter From Birmingham Jail 1321 Words  | 6 Pages(King). Children ripped apart from their families, not being able to socialize with certain people, or even go to the local amusement park. It was a hard time to be a colored person, and there was one hope. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that one day blacks and whites could one day come together peacefully. King tried to do what he believed was right with everything in his will to finally join forces and not be talked down on by whites. In the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†he includes several eventsRead MoreThe Letter From A Birmingham Jail809 Words  | 4 Pagesbut all human beings who were being treated unjustly. He is known for many speeches, but The Letter from a Birmingham Jail†written in 1963 was phenomenal in my opinion; this letter, written in response to â€Å"A Call for Unity,†(Carpenter et. el, 1963 ) an article written by eight, white, Alabama clergymen, was to serve as a response to those who believed that King acted inappropriately for coming to Birmingham, Alabama, as an outsider, for creating immense tension with his demonstrations, and for theRead MoreLetter from a Birmingham Jail759 Words  | 4 PagesLuther King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham jail†is a mix of emotional passion and logical precision that seeks to achieve meaningful cause. The letter was a response to white clergy who were critical of his intention in Birmingham naming him an â€Å"outsider†. Kingà ¢â‚¬â„¢s response to critics through a letter explains his arguments vividly and effectively. King wrote the letter in a way that he agreed with his critics, nonetheless still using their words against them in logic harmony. King’s letter illustratesRead MoreThe Letter From A Birmingham Jail1266 Words  | 6 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a key figure in the civil rights movements that took place in the 1950s and 1960s. The â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†is an open letter written by King defending nonviolent resistance against racism. The letter argued that people have a moral responsibility to break unjust and unethical laws. The letter also stresses themes of unity among brothers in order to overcome racism. I will argue in support of King’s stance that citizens are morally justified in breakingRead MoreLetter From A Birmingham Jail1900 Words  | 8 PagesSummary and Response â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†John Hodgin English 111-54H Professor Bradford Ivy Tech Community College September 24, 2017 Cover Letter Professor Bradford, Obviously my primary motivation for writing my Summary and Response Draft is that it is a requirement for my English Composition Class. Having said that, I also have another heartfelt motivation for writing my Summary and Response about Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†. I have studied aboutRead MoreEssay on A Letter From a Birmingham Jail717 Words  | 3 PagesA Letter From a Birmingham Jail In Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a Birmingham Jail, his thoughts and ideas are directly stated, well expressed, explained, and illustrated. Kings style of writing gives the reader a clear glimpse into the world with which he struggled and allows his letter to be powerfully effective. In the introductory paragraph, King introduces his reason for writing the letter and details who the audience is to be. He explains that he rarely answers criticismsRead MoreLetter From Birmingham City Jail Essay1700 Words  | 7 PagesProfessor Ybarra Philosophy 1C 23 November 2015 Letter From Birmingham City Jail Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the Letter from Birmingham City Jail to the clergymen, saying that they criticized the actions and how they were targeting him. He explains in the letter how the city of Birmingham has gone through all the nonviolent campaigns and that it proves that their is serious racial injustice. Martin Luther King Jr. composed the letter to Birmingham in 1963. The reason why so many people were complainingRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Act904 Words  | 4 Pages In April 1963, the city of Birmingham, Alabama, was caught in the midst of massive civil rights protests. Protestors advocating for desegregation brought the city to a halt with widespread disruptive yet peaceful protests. After a circuit court placed an injunction against protesting, parading and picketing King was arrested for his involvement. While in jail King received a letter written by eight Alabama clergymen criticizing King for his disruptive protests and the breaking of laws which lead
Monday, December 16, 2019
Effectiveness of social networking in finding jobs Thesis Proposal
Essays on Effectiveness of social networking in finding jobs Thesis Proposal Your full full February 15, Effectiveness of Social Networking in Finding Jobs The Background Unemployment is one of the major issues being faced by almost every country. The rate of unemployment is increasing because of poor economic conditions surrounding the world. In such circumstances, finding a job is not an easy task for any individual. People try different channels, such as, newspapers, companies’ notice boards, and internet websites to find job opportunities. However, use of all of these channels is not able to provide jobs to all people although these channels have been the main ways to get proper jobs for a long time. Therefore, it is the need of today for people to use some more ways to increase their chances of employment. Proposed Solution The proposed solution for the above-mentioned problem is to spread the use of social networking websites in finding jobs. In this regard, both companies and mangers of social networking websites need to play the key role by promoting the use of such websites in posting and finding jobs. This solution will open more ways for people to look for new jobs. Social networking websites have proved very beneficial in keeping people up to date with on going matters of life. For example, they can interact with each other and can talk on every other issue. They can even talk about jobs, post jobs, and find right employments using the ads given on these websites. Methodology The researcher will use a wide range of primary and secondary sources to determine the effectiveness of social networking websites in finding right jobs. The researcher will also interview some employed and unemployed people to know their viewpoints regarding the channels and their effectiveness that they might have used for finding jobs. Moreover, a wide range of scholarly sources will be consulted to explore the impact of social networking on requirement. The researcher will collect data and statistics and will organize them in charts and tables. The whole research will take around one month. Audience for the Report The intended audience for this report will be the managers of social networking websites, labor force, and HR managers of companies. The managers of social networking companies will have to create such platforms in their websites using which companies can post jobs and people can apply to those posts. Similarly, companies should also post their jobs to such website to make more people aware of available vacancies. Moreover, the Editorial Board of Telematics and Informatics will also be my audience. Telematics and Informatics is a journal for people in the field of information technology and business communication. It is also an interdisciplinary journal which publish articles on the social impacts of new technologies. Request for Approval I would like to request the authorities to accept my thesis proposal and let me write this analytical report on the effectiveness of social networking websites in finding jobs. Working Bibliography (Some sources to be used in research) De Janasz, Suzanne, and Monica Forret. â€Å"Learning The Art of Networking: A Critical Skill for Enhancing Social Capital and Career Success.†Journal of Management Education 32.5(2008): 629-650. Hoye, Greet, Edwin Van Hooft, and Filip Lievens. â€Å"Networking as a job search behaviour: A social network perspective.†Journal of Occupational and Applied Psychology 82.3(2009): 661-682. Marsden, Peter, and Elizabeth Gorman. â€Å"Social Networks, Job Changes, and Recruitment.†Plenum Studies in Work and Industry (2001): 467-502. McDonald, Steve, and Glen Elder. â€Å"When Does Social Capital Matter? Non-Searching For Jobs Across the Life Course.†Social Forces 85.1 (2006): 521-549. Soto-Acosta, Pedro, and Angel Merono Cerdan. â€Å"Evaluating internet technologies business effectiveness.†Telematics and Informatics 26.2 (2009): 211-221. Strehlke, Christina. â€Å"Social network sites: a starting point for career development practitioners.†Journal of Employment Counselling 47.1(2010): 38-48. Wanberg, Connie, Ruth Kanfer, and Joseph Banas. â€Å"Predictors and outcomes of networking intensity among unemployed job seekers.†Journal of Applied Psychology 85.4(2000): 491-503.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Consumerism free essay sample
Today, the argument can be made that happiness and consumerism are directly linked. It is fair to say that happiness is a relative term for different people. However, the obtaining of new and shiny things has become such a part of everyday life, that it provides happiness when people are purchasing something new, and causes sadness when no buying is taking place. For many, it seems to be a protective coating against the harsh realities of everyday stresses from a job, or family life. In fact, the buying frenzy of modern life has become so prevalent, and people have collected so much material, that self storage facilities are becoming one of the most successful and growing retail businesses in America. This is because the average person has purchased so much merchandise that they do not need that their homes and garages can no longer hold the contents of their lives. People would rather go through the time, trouble and expense of maintaining a self storage locker in a dedicated facility or warehouse of some sort. We will write a custom essay sample on Consumerism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Much of this stuff will never see the light of day again, but it serves as a security blanket for those who feel that consumerism validates them and makes them happy. Therefore, the link between consumerism and happiness, at least for some people, is established. Consumerism has grown to contribute to pop culture, and pop culture has made significant contributions to consumerism as well. Regarding pop culture, Americans as a whole place a tremendous value on material goods and the obtaining of them. Much as the ancient peoples placed a value on crops or spices, we today judge each other, and expect to be treated in a better way, based upon the sheer volume of tangible items that we have accumulated. When watching television, the people who seem to enjoy the biggest acclaim are not always the most talented or the best looking, but are often those who have the most material possessions. As an example, Donald Trump is not exceptionally good looking or talented; granted, he is a skillful businessman, but that is not what gives him the fame that he has achieved in he mainstream, but rather he has gained the status of a pop culture icon. Admittedly, the priceless works of art, homes, helicopters and other things he buys are out of the reach of the average person. He has taken consumerism to a new level, and has gained wide acclaim as a result of it. Gone are the days when the fastest runner, the best speller or the most talented golfer were the icons of the culture. Today, those with the biggest and most expensive toys win, or so it seems. In the modern society, the only time that talented athletes are revered is when they are seen in commercials using the latest cellular telephone or smiling on a box of sugar coated cereal. There is much that can be said about happiness as an element of pop culture as it relates to consumerism. Within the dollar-driven world of modern America, happiness is often measured by the size of the vehicle in ones driveway, or the memory that their I-Pod contains. Happiness is a commodity that seems to be able to be bought as an accessory with every item that is piled into the home of people from coast to coast. The instant gratification that comes with material possessions, and the fact that credit cards make instant gratification through ownership possible, makes the pursuit of happiness essentially a financial transaction at the local mall. As people become more and more scattered due to work and family commitments, things fill the emptiness within the soul and provide what we perceive to be happiness. In this paper, there has been an attempt to prove just how caught up the modern world has become with consumerism. We worship pop culture figures who collect and stockpile expensive items beyond our wildest dreams, and not those who truly make a difference on life. As a final thought, every effort should be made to make sure that we all do not become materialistic buying machines but rather look into our own hearts and learn to better our lives through the art of human interaction.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mcdonaldization Essays - Fast Food, McDonalds, Hamburgers, Wendys
Mcdonaldization The way that Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers does business and markets it's product to consumers is due to the change in our society to where the consumer wants the biggest, fastest, and best product they can get for their money. This change in society can be attributed to a process known as McDonaldization. Although McDonaldization can be applied to many other parts of our society, this paper will focus on its impact on Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers. My belief is that the process of McDonaldization, where the ideology of McDonald's has come to dominate the world, has caused Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers to emulate McDonald's style of running a franchised restaurant chain in terms of efficiency, calculability, and control. However, since McDonald's has become the epitome of fast-food in our society, Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers has had to change their focus to giving the consumer a higher quality product in a relatively fast amount of time. So, Wendy's still caters to a Mc Donaldized society in terms of giving them a meal as fast as possible but making quality their number one priority to give people a viable option from McDonald's. In addition, I have used my girlfriend who manages at Wendy's and observations I gathered while at McDonald's as further information for this paper. First, before I discuss the impact of McDonaldization on Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers, I will define what McDonaldization is. McDonaldization is the process by which the principles of fast-food restaurants are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society, as well as, of the rest of the world. (Ritzer 1998,Page 1) George Ritzer created this concept of McDonaldization as a continuation of Max Weber's theories on bureaucracies. Max Weber defines a bureaucracy as a large hierarchical organization that is governed by formal rules and regulations and has a clear specification of work tasks. Its three main characteristics are that it has a division of labour, hierarchy of authority, and an impartial and impersonal application of rules and policies. (Newman 1997, Page 271) Thus, from that definition of a bureaucracy, one would conclude that both McDonald's and Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers are bureaucracies. The fact that both restaurants are bureaucracies is supported by the fact that each assigns workers to a specific job where each worker individually contributes to the overall success of the restaurant by doing his or her job. For example, workers at each restaurant could be assigned to working the grill, making fries, working the front register, or taking orders at the drive-thru window. Both restaurants have a hierarchy of authority from worker, crew chief, shift manager, salary manager to owner of the store. Also, each restaurant enforces an impartial and impersonal application of rules and policies. Both McDonald's and Wendy's have standard, impersonal greetings at the register and at the drive-thru window. The exception when this impersonal attitude towards the customer is changed is when a worker knows the customer outside the restaurant. In this case, the worker will probably ask their acquaintance how they are doing or what they are up to. The worker might even throw in an extra cheeseburger that a regular customer might not get. Despite this exception where standardization is broken, both these restaurants have become bureaucracies because they are the most efficient means of managing large groups of people. That leaves one to wonder why the process of McDonaldization has been so successful for both companies. The first reason is that it offers efficiency where consumers know that it means the quickest way to get from one point to another. In the case of McDonald's, it offers the best available way to get from being hungry to being full. This is so important in today's society because so many people are in a rush to get from one place to another. Therefore, the quick, efficient setup of McDonald's allows consumers to eat a fast-food meal without having to leave their car. On the other hand, Wendy's strives for as efficient service as possible without effecting the quality of their product. This is because McDonald's already has imprinted on people's minds throughout the many years of its existence that they will get the same burger each visit in the quickest
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Retail; Victorias Secret
Introduction Victoria’s Secret is a growing company. As the years go by women’s liberation has brought a large movement of women in business. It is fashion that brings out the feminine side of the twentieth century workingwoman. Vicky’s started out with just a line of lingerie but began too expand its horizons finding a need to meet the necessities of women renovating the beautiful housewife and converting her into the beautiful workingwoman. Victoria's Secret is one of the most powerful, sexy brands in the world; they’re the leading specialty retailer of intimate apparel and beauty products, also offering sleepwear, hosiery and fashion. They are headquartered in Columbus, Ohio and Victoria's Secret Lingerie operates 881 stores across the country. As one of the world's most recognized brands, they are committed to representing the highest standards in products, their services and most importantly, their people. They view their associates as the most critical component to keeping the brand's promise to deliver glamorous, intimate, pampering and indulgent experiences. They are a team of associates who have built the Victoria's Secret brand into the leading specialty retailer of intimate apparel over the last 20 years. Their team believes strongly that professional relationships are built on honesty, integrity, openness, respect, fairness and inclusion. ( Victoria’s Secret is a store for a woman that gives her an opportunity to extenuate who and what a woman really is about. This store belongs to the Limited Brands Inc, which is a group of stores that belongs to the same holder. These stores include: Express Men/Women Structure The Limited New York & Company Lerner New York Bath and Body Works Victoria’s Secret Victoria’s Secret Beauty Victoria’s Secret Direct The White Barn Candle Co. Victoria’s Secret ... Free Essays on Retail; Victoria's Secret Free Essays on Retail; Victoria's Secret Introduction Victoria’s Secret is a growing company. As the years go by women’s liberation has brought a large movement of women in business. It is fashion that brings out the feminine side of the twentieth century workingwoman. Vicky’s started out with just a line of lingerie but began too expand its horizons finding a need to meet the necessities of women renovating the beautiful housewife and converting her into the beautiful workingwoman. Victoria's Secret is one of the most powerful, sexy brands in the world; they’re the leading specialty retailer of intimate apparel and beauty products, also offering sleepwear, hosiery and fashion. They are headquartered in Columbus, Ohio and Victoria's Secret Lingerie operates 881 stores across the country. As one of the world's most recognized brands, they are committed to representing the highest standards in products, their services and most importantly, their people. They view their associates as the most critical component to keeping the brand's promise to deliver glamorous, intimate, pampering and indulgent experiences. They are a team of associates who have built the Victoria's Secret brand into the leading specialty retailer of intimate apparel over the last 20 years. Their team believes strongly that professional relationships are built on honesty, integrity, openness, respect, fairness and inclusion. ( Victoria’s Secret is a store for a woman that gives her an opportunity to extenuate who and what a woman really is about. This store belongs to the Limited Brands Inc, which is a group of stores that belongs to the same holder. These stores include: Express Men/Women Structure The Limited New York & Company Lerner New York Bath and Body Works Victoria’s Secret Victoria’s Secret Beauty Victoria’s Secret Direct The White Barn Candle Co. Victoria’s Secret ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Top 10 New and Unique Teacher Gift Ideas Revealed
Top 10 New and Unique Teacher Gift Ideas Revealed Buying for teachers can be hard. A gift card is usually the best choice because lets face it, everyone loves a gift card. But this year, if you want to think outside of the box and get something totally new and unexpected for a teacher, then we have some new and unique ideas for you. Whether you are a teacher looking to buy for another teacher, a superintendent looking to buy for your school staff, or a parent looking to buy for your childs teacher, you will find something special and unique in this gift guide. This teacher gift guide is split into two sections: one for school staff that is looking for new ideas to buy for their fellow teachers, and one for parents looking to buy for their childs teachers. You will find that there is something for everyone, as well as at different price points. Administrators Buying for Teachers Here the top five classroom items that are on most teachers wishlist. You will find items as low as $30 and as much as $375. 1. FlexiSpot Sit-Stand Desktop Workstation Standup desks are an amazing new tech tool that educators everywhere would love to have. They allow easy transition between sitting and standing and are perfect for teachers who spend a lot of time on their feet. They are also great for teachers who love to use PowerPoint Presentations or a SmartBoard in their classroom. Simply place the FlexiSpot on top of your existing desk and you are ready to teach. 2. Table Storage and Charging Base Now that many classrooms are fitted with a classroom set of iPads or tablets, teachers need somewhere to charge and store them. Table storage and charging base (which can run between $30-$150) is a great classroom gift because it can hold up to six tablets with or without their protective cases. 3. High Speed Label Printer Teachers label everything from student desks and folders. You can purchase a good high-speed label printer. If you are going to get one, a wireless, portable printer is the way to go. 4. Document Camera A document camera is a great tool for teachers they are particularly handy for science activities that require students to look at things from all different angles. Parents Buying for Teachers The average parent is said to spend between $25-$75 on their childs teacher for each occasion (teacher appreciation, holiday, end-of-the-year). Here are five new and unique teacher gift ideas that are on many teachers wishlist. 1. Apple TV  Apple TV has become the new must-have for classroom teachers. Educators love them because they can be used to mirror their iPad screen (much like a Smart Board). You can use the Apple TV display student work, watch movies, and even Skype with peers around the globe. 2. Personalized Letter Probably the best gift that you can give a teacher is a heartfelt letter showing him/her your appreciation for a job well done. This thoughtful gift can really be the stepping stone that the teacher needs to advance in their career (when you send a copy to the principal). The letter doesnt have to be long, just a few sentences talking about how much you appreciate them can go a long way. By sending a copy to the principal, you are adding a positive recommendation to their file. This recommendation can be just the thing a teacher needs to help them advance in their job. Heres an example to help inspire you: Im writing to you to express my appreciation for a job well done. My daughter has had anxiety in the past and was quite nervous about starting school this year, that was until she met you. You have made a tremendous impact on my daughter thus far. 3. Headphone Splitter At only $12 a pop, you can give teachers a gift that they will actually use in their classroom. The Belkin Rockstar headphone splitter allows teachers to plug in multiple headphones into one iPad or tablet, which is great for listening centers. As many as six students at a time can now plug their headphones into one outlet at the learning center. This cheap and practical gift is a great tool for the classroom. 4. iPad Projector Instead of spending money on an impersonal on a gift card, you can purchase an iPad projector for less than a hundred dollars. Running in at a just under $70 (via Amazon) a mini portable LCD projector is easy to cart to and from school, and teachers can use it for personal use as well. 5. Stay and Play Balance Ball Alternative seating is quite popular in todays classrooms. However, many teachers do not have them just yet. For around $20 per balance ball, you can help turn the teachers classroom into a ball of fun. These seats (which are essentially an exercise ball with feet) make learning so much fun.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Learner Training and Learner Autonomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Learner Training and Learner Autonomy - Essay Example English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a growing branch of ESP atypical to Higher Education. This can have courses be fundamentally diverse from country to country, especially while English is the medium of instruction for a scientific subject, as it is in large parts of Africa and the Indian subcontinent (Mokhtari, K., & Sheorey, R. 1994). Basically, the goal of pragmatic EAP is to fit students into existing academic and social structures, not to encourage them to question or revise those structures. Feminist pedagogy, on the other hand, assumes a need for greater dialogue across races, classes, and genders to equalize power in society and promote social change (Maher & Tetreault, 1994). When the students' needs consist of "the quick and economical use of the English language to pursue a course of academic study" (Coffey, 1984, p. 3), English for academic purposes (EAP) is offered. The incorporation of writing into the EAP curriculum, however, necessitates collaboration with the instructor in the other discipline, following what Shih (1986) calls the "adjunct model" of many university composition programs for native students. But the development of such programs for ESL students has been slow, and Shih recommends that we learn from existing programs: The potential contributi... What is needed, minimally, is cooperation from subject-area instructors and ESL faculty willingness to step into subject-area classrooms and keep up with class events. For ESL instructors seeking to set up adjunct courses, the experiences of composition adjunct programs already in place for native students are a rich source of information. (p. 640) In the field of EAP (English for Academic Purposes), what might be called the 'traditional' method for instance, in published materials such as the Oxford University Press English Studies Series is to select a number of reading texts, typically simplified, within a particular subject-area, and to affix word-lists, 'comprehension questions' and 'language practice exercises' to them. There are two major criticisms that can be leveled at this approach. First, in looking for passages which are short and autonomous and which will not cause too much alarm or discomfiture to the language-teacher without specialist training in the subject-area. The inclination is to select 'semi-popular' texts (the writer communicating with a wider audience, for instance in scientific journalism) rather than 'academic' texts (the writer communicating with students of the subject, for instance in a textbook; or with his/her peers, for example in a research paper) though it is the latter the student will have to read and not the former. Subsequently, there is the danger that the materials might by stressing small points of linguistic and realistic detail, and by persuading reference to the glossary, be training students in precisely those strategies which has shown to be linked with ineffective language learning. A newer generation of materials for instance, those prepared by the University of Malaya English
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
How to accomplish affordability and ethics for a clothing manufacturer Essay
How to accomplish affordability and ethics for a clothing manufacturer - Essay Example The paper tells that the apparel industry is characterized by fast fashion, increasing competition and constant change in style. Cost, quality, and timing are three critical elements in product offerings. The demand for low-cost products coupled with the labor-intensive nature of apparel products effectively requires companies such as Starburst to outsource manufacturing to overseas suppliers. There is direct evidence on the importance of strategic sourcing in sustaining affordability as well as the positive impact it has on firm’s performance due to the cost and timing benefits. However, offshore manufacturing is becoming a major cause of social and economic issues in the vendor countries. The credibility and culpability of the apparel industry are under scrutiny due to the frequency and magnitude of the human tragedies associated with overseas garment production. With this awareness, retailers and customers are rightfully seeking evidence of practices and industry efforts to better the working conditions, pay and safety in offshore factories. Ethical sourcing is becoming an essential business practice. There is a clear recognition of the fact that effective overseas sourcing plays the pivotal role in a company’s success; however, it has recently been at a high social cost. Given the 2012 fire incidences at the Tarzeen Fashions factory and the textile factory in Pakistan all overshadowed by the 1,127 deaths in the April 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse, the reality is extremely hazardous and poor working conditions persist. Factories put production schedules before safety or workers’ rights. Beyond the basic safety issues, labor practices such as low pay and overtime without pay have been observed in many of the vendor countries. In some cases, human rights violations and sexual abuse are occurring.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
International Trade and Finance Speech Essay Example for Free
International Trade and Finance Speech Essay One may try to understand what exactly a foreign exchange rate is. To help understand, let’s view a foreign exchange rate as exchanging one dollar at a department store for a product. If one were to go into a department store and purchase a pair of socks in a three pack for one dollar, or each for 33 cents, one would be able to relate that the dollar-to-socks exchange rate is three socks because one exchanged a single dollar for three pairs of socks. Similarly, the sock-to-dollar exchange rate would be one-third of a dollar, meaning 33 cents. This is because if one decides to sell a single pair of socks, one would get 33 cents in exchange. Moffatt) The same principle hold true for foreign currency. On May 9, 2013 the U. S. -to-Euro exchange rate was . 767 EUR, meaning that for one U. S. dollar, one could purchase . 767 Euros. In order to determine the amount that one could exchange one Euro to the dollar, one could use this simple formula: Euro-to-U. S. exchange rate = 1 / U. S. -to-Euro exchange rate. Euro-to-U. S. exchange rate = 1 / 3767 = 1. 303. This equation shows that one Euro would be exchange for 1. 303 U. S. dollars. (Moffatt) Now that what have an understanding of what a foreign exchange rate is, let discuss how these rates are determined. Using the two previously discussed currencies, each of their rate are determined in a foreign exchange market that is open to a very large range of various sellers and buyers. Each country incorporates mechanisms that will in turn aid in managing the value of their currency. These mechanisms help in determining the, either pegged and fixed, or free-floating. A peg system is when a country tries to keep their currency at a fixed exchange rate, as the Chinese have done between 1994 and 2005. Doing this sometime devalue or over-value their currencies, which can result in either a trade deficit or surplus. Free-floating is when the currency’s exchange rate is allowed to vary against currencies of other countries, allowing supply and demand in the market forces to determine its exchange rate; exchange rates for these currencies are determined around the works by banks and are quoted through the financial markets. (Mayer) International Trade The effects of international trade means lower prices for goods and services; competition for the domestic markets and less of a choice for employment for University of phoenix students after graduation. When the country invests more in international trade that local business and companies; the Gross domestic product may start to suffer and business may start to go out of business due to loss in business. International trade takes away from local farmers and business owner’s success. If the country is constantly making international trades, eventually the United States would no longer have a need for local farmers. The local farmers would have surplus that may spoil due to not being sold. This could cause the farmer to become bankrupt. International trades mean less cost for products and services for the consumer, (Investopedia, n. ). So in return that means less business for the local farmers and business owners as mentioned before. The effect of international trade effects University of Phoenix student mainly after graduation. If all of the jobs are being outsources or traded overseas; what opportunities does that leave the new potential employees? The students would not have a job of choice, depending on the degree they have pursued. It would be unfortunate for a student to complete a program and not be able to use their degree effectively due to their job of choice being outsourced overseas. International trade is not all that bad as it is made out to be. Without international trade, we would not be able to experience different types of foods from other countries that cannot be produced in our country, (Investopedia, n. d). Tariffs and Quotas International relations and trade can be affected by the choices governments choose to fallow. First, what are tariffs and quotes? Tariffs or sometimes known as custom duties also, they are a certain amount of tax value placed by governments on international trade goods and are typically on imported goods. Quotas are limits placed on the importers, which gives them a certain amount of time they may import their goods. Quotas generally favor the importer, because they tend to drive the cost of goods up, which in turn gains revenue for the importing companies. Tariffs do the opposite, they generally will bring revenue to the government, because they are a tax and the government will gain in revenue. Although tariffs and quotas bring revenue to the companies and the government, they can also have a negative affect if the tax is too high or if the quotas are so small. Price of the goods will sky rocket and problems in the international trading world will arise. One example, which according to Colander (2010) stated,â€Å" Probably the most infamous tariff in U. S. istory is the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, which raised tariffs on imported goods to an average of 60 percent. It was passed at the height of the Great Depression in the United States in the hope of protecting American jobs. It didn’t work. Other countries responded with similar tariffs. As a result of these trade wars, international trade plummeted from $60 billion in 1928 to $25 billion in 1938, unemployment worsened, and the international depression deepened. †(Colander, 2010, p. 458). Import of Goods If the U. S. restricted all goods coming in from China then the U. S. would lose a significant amount of comparative advantage with China. What this means is that goods manufactured in China, India and other Asian countries are creating demand for advertising, management, and distribution, and are therefore creating jobs and income in the United States†(Colander, 2010, p. 453). Currently the U. S. is now a debtor nation and China plus India are creating jobs and helping the U. S. economy. The U. S. could not afford to restrict China because this could cause problems internationally with the two countries and the U. S. economy would suffer from bad relations. Why cannot the U. S. just minimize the amount of imports coming in from all other countries? The U. S. annot minimize the amount of imports coming in from other countries because this would hurt the U. S. economy as a whole. Minimizing the amount of imports could also hurt the reputation of the U. S. on the international trade level and the U. S. could end up losing trading partners with other countries. The U. S. is consuming more imports then selling of exports so minimizing the amount of imports would also be very difficult. Again this could make the U. S. economy crash from the loss of imports. â€Å"International trade, and changing comparative advantages, will become more and more important for the United States in the coming decades†Colander, 2010, p. 470). Surplus A surplus of imports that is brought into the United States is when imports exceed exports, meaning that the demand for U. S. goods or services is in the negative. A negative export affects the economy’s income and output, the employment rate, prices of goods and services, and the rate of inflation. An example of a product with an import surplus, and the impact that it had on the U. S. businesses and consumers is the motor-vehicle manufacturing sector. â€Å"The motor-vehicle manufacturing sector is the second-largest employer among all U. S. anufacturing industries, and auto parts and tires contribute the most direct jobs (nearly two-thirds or more) to the motor-vehicle sector. †(Scott, 2012) Since the United States Government helped with the restructuring of General Motors, there has been a strong turnaround in U. S. auto sales, but this still does not stop the massive import and surplus of automotive parts available on the U. S. market. Chinese exports to the United States have increase by 900 percent in the last decade, thus affecting the employment rate of those that would be working in the United States auto-parts industry.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Photosynthesis :: essays research papers
Photosynthesis 1. Would you illuminate your house plants with a green light bulb? Why or why not? It would not be a wise choice to put a plant under a green light bulb. The reason for this is that due to the fact that the leaves are green they reflect green light. This shining green light onto the flowers will cause photosynthesis to stop. Since the light is being reflectd, the cells do not get any light. With out light they cannot carry out the everyday occurance of photosyntesis. If the choice was mine, I would place them into violet light, because almost none of it would be reflected. 2. Explain the statement: "Without autotrophic organisms, heterotrophic lofe would cease to exist." Without autotrophic organisms heterotrophic organisms would not be able to survive for two asic reasons. One is the fact that autotrophic organisms create most of the oxygen that heterotrophs breath. Whithout them, heterotrophs which need oxygen to survive would not live very long. The second reason is that autotrophs are the lowest food on the food chart. Without them many heterotrops would die from starvation. 3. Why did you put your syringes containing leaf material in the dark prior to illumination? The reason this was done was to make sure as little oxygen as possible was contained in the leaf material. This coused the experimrnt to run properly. If the leaf material was not placed in the dark, the dark reaction would not have occured using up all the oxygen. If there was still oxygen in the leaf material, the data collected would have been off. The reason for this is that the leaves would have risen to the top of the liqiud quicker, because they would not have had to make the totql amount of oxygen. 4. State you hypothesis for the directed experiment. The leaves in the sodium bicarbonate will rise to the top of the syringes faster than the ones in the distilled water will.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Fires on the Plain: a Reflection
Fires on The Plain: A Reflection Fires on the Plain is truly the most depressing, haunting, and sad story I have ever endured reading. The complete abandonment of the Japanese soldiers on the island of Leyte by the Japanese Army is revolting, as well as the complete disregard for each others well being among them. It becomes a battle between one another for survival. The lack of comradery among the Japanese soldiers is dumbfounding, and leads me to believe that it may very well have been there demise.The weaknesses we see in Tamura and the other soldiers not only have a great impact on their unfortunate outcome, but are also a result of a weakness within the Japanese Army itself. The awful fate of these soldiers, at the hands of their own command, is infuriating. Shohei's story holds powerful, and several dangerous implications of what war is like and what it's effects can be on those who fight in them. I would like to start by talking about comradery. Comradery can be defined as the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like a group of soldiers.Tamura's story shows zero evidence of any sort of comradeship, he even describes the way in which it he saw it disappear on Leyte, â€Å"Before long any comradeship that we once felt for each other had virtually disappeared. †(pg. 9). I could also see this in the way they treated each other. Initially, Yasuda and Nagamatsus' relationship could be mistaken for comradeship, but I realized that they were only using each other and did not care at all about the others well being. Which becomes quite clear at the end of the book.I have no doubt that this complete lack of comradery was mostly a result of their horrific situation, but I also believe that it could have existed before it. The way in which Tamura laughed while watching his fellow soldiers run around like â€Å"insects†(pg. 59), and the fact that Nagamatsu would hunt, kill, and eat his fellow soldiers are disturbing examples of the complete d isregard they had for one another. These instances serve as proof to me that there couldn't possibly have been much of a comradeship between these men at any point. One dangerous implication that this story holds expressed directly byShohei, â€Å"For people like us, living day and night on the brink of danger, the normal instinct of survival seems to strike inward, like a disease, distorting the personality and removing all motives other than those of sheer self-interest. †(pg. 9). While this certainly seems true for the Japanese soldiers in this story, I refuse to believe it to be true for all men. My personal experiences from being a Marine and doing two tours in Afghanistan have showed me what true comradery is. My fellow Marines and I would have gladly died for one another, and some did.In class, we discussed how the way in which these Japanese soldiers turned on one another when torn down to their most animalistic nature, could be true of all men or soldiers when under the same circumstances. The fact that somebody could believe that to be true is not only offensive, but scary. It is scary to me that examples from a book written by someone who is clearly insane, could be generalized to all men or all soldiers of every kind. What really irks me about this is that Shohei, portrayed through Tamura, shows absolutely no characteristics of a soldier.I think his most accurate depiction was when he said they resembled domestic animals â€Å"helplessly uprooted and perplexed†(pg. 35). I believe that he portrays someone with certain mental weakness. He wonders about the island countryside, it seams, waiting for his death to come. He has no plan but death. I understand that his circumstances are beyond my understanding, but they way in which he so easily abandons any hope of surviving, and doesn't put up any real fight for his survival, doesn't sit with me.It makes me realize that this weakness is most likely due to reasons beyond his control, such as the way in which, and the culture in which, he was brought up. As well as the poor military training and/or lack there of, did not properly prepare him for the nightmare of a situation he was put in. Which forces me to re-evaluate my initial reaction to write him off as a pathetic, weak individual who should have shot himself right then and there after he murdered the Filipino women.I am sympathetic for poor Tamura, who was drafted into the army and clearly given incredibly insufficient training. Tamura did not belong there and, I feel, none of them belonged there. The infuriating part of this story is the way in which these men were sent to what any person with intellect could tell was a certain, horrific death. Not only were they ordered to go that island, to that shit hole of a situation, it seams as if the people who ordered them there just left them for dead. Even his commanding officer told him that the best thing he could for his country was kill himself.They were given abso lutely no support against an enemy whose support was rivaled by none. Which resulted in them fighting each other for survival. Fires on the Plain is a very disturbing story from a war that resulted in many awful things. It has many implications of what war can be like, but I want to emphasize that not all wars are the same, and the men and women who fight in these wars certainly are not either. I would hope that those who read this understand that they shouldn't generalize the behavior of these poor Japanese soldiers to all soldiers or fighting men.I believe that the circumstances surrounding this horrific example of what war can be like are incredible and the ingredients that went into making this shit sandwich are hard to come by all at the same time. My final thoughts of this story are wrapped around Shohei's idea that life is nothing more than â€Å"a mere succession of chances†(p. 233). I have been debating over this idea with myself ever since I came back from my last t our in Afghanistan, and I can't say that Shohei's story has helped me in making a decision.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
“Is Racism a Permanent Feature of American Society?†Essay
The situation dealing with racism became alive at the start of slavery. The whites controlled the blacks years ago and today in some parts of America it is still happening. Racism had split today’s society into two parts. One side is the blacks and the other side is the whites. If you are not African American or Caucasian, then whatever the color of your skin is, that determined what side you was placed on. Some say that in the twenty-first century, racism is still in Americans Society. Those people are totally right, but the question is will racism be a permanent feature of Americans society. After reading Dinesh D’Souza’s response to the previous question, there is more than enough evidence to say that racism will not be a permanent feature in America’s society. Black people do crime and white people see it on television. White people do everything and anything that they can to keep blacks out of sight. If that’s following a black man around the store, or not hiring any black people to work for the whites, but a white person is always going to think twice about associating with blacks. A black man walks into a shoe and he is followed all around the store by a white man. The white man is not too close the black man but he is close enough that the black man knows that he is getting followed. All the way until the black man gets to the register and pays for his items. Then the white man says to the black man, â€Å"Have a nice day and come back soon.†The first thing that this black man thinks is that the white man was a racists person. But he was unaware about the other black man that came in before him that stole five pairs of shoes, and just walked right out the front door without paying. The only reason the white man was following the black man was because he did not want to get robbed again. The black man did not know that, so that’s why he felt as though the white man was racists. All whites are not racist but it’s just the bad things that some blacks do that hurt the whole race. A black lady comes to an interview to be a greeter at a restaurant. She has all the certification and experience that is need for the job. She answered all the questions correctly and gave great reasons why she should be hired. But for some reason she does not get the job and they tell her that she needs more work before they hire her. She feels that the company is being racist because she is a black woman. What she doesn’t know is that a black women before her got that same position and almost got their business shut down. The company made an agreement that no more black would be allowed to work in that company. The black women had everything that she need for the job but because of the black lady before, she was not hired. That is another example of how some black people mess things up for the whole race and because of that blacks call white people racist. Derrick Bell believes that because the whites are in control of the education, they make it too hard for blacks to pass. Well black families are way different than white families, and they also have different beliefs. Some white families push their kids to do good and set high standards for them to reach. On the other hand, some black families just make sure their kids are making average grades and they are not being bad in school. While the whites children are on the right level or even above the grade level, the black kids are just barley pass their classes. When open house comes alone and the black parents find out that their child is not doing well in school, the first thing the black parents say is their child’s teacher is racist and the teacher is giving their child bad grades. But the whole situation is the difference between how black children are raised and how white children are raised. That does not have anything to do with any kind of racism. According to D’Souza it is just as excuses to not have to deal with the situation. To sum it up, racism is not a permanent feature of American society. Some blacks will tell you that it is but, those are the same blacks that make it hard for white people to trust them. Racism was very big at some point but after it died down, it all came to what race was going to rise to the top. The whites did their job and now because of they have biggest business in the United States. Black people are not determined to do a lot of different things. They just want everything to fall in their laps or they want someone else to do things they want for them. If some people didn’t mess it up for the whole race then we could be at the top of businesses and have our faces on build boards, but that chance was messed up long time ago. Racism does not have to continue in today’s society.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Definition and Examples of Attain and Obtain
Definition and Examples of Attain and Obtain The verb attain means to achieve, accomplish, or succeed in reaching a goal (usually through some effort). The verb obtain means to acquire or get possession of something. As an intransitive verb, obtain means to be prevalent or established. Examples As you begin your college career, you should also be aware of the difference between learning things for a test or to attain a high grade versus mastering content and skills that are essential for you to succeed in life.(Jeffrey Kottler, Excelling in College. Wadsworth, 2012)The most important function of a bibliographic entry is to help the reader obtain a copy of the cited work.(Daniel J. Bernstein)Both his philosophy and his techniques of leadership were products of a different world, of relationships which no longer obtain and expectations which are no longer valid.(David Garrow, Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. HarperCollins, 1986)There can be no assurance that the Company will attain its expected results, successfully integrate and achieve anticipated synergies from any of its acquisitions, obtain acceptable financing, or attain its published guidance metrics . . ..(Press release, DFC Global Corp. Announces Launch of $650 Million Senior Note Private Offering. The Wall Street Journal, November 15, 2013) Usage Notes These two- both formal words- are sometimes confused. . . .Occasionally- as a malapropism- obtain is used to attain. E.g.: The same exception . . . applies if U.S. residency or citizenship is renounced before obtaining [read attaining] age 18.(Bryan A. Garner, Garners Modern American Usage, 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, 2009)Attain involves the idea of considerable effort, while obtain does not necessarily imply effort at all.(The Century Dictionary) Practice Exercise (a) She selected a pair of patterned silk stockings, which she did not needat least not for their usual purpose. Still hoping to _____ whatever information she could from the peddler, she sought to buy his goodwill along with the stockings.(Carrie Bebris, The Intrigue at Highbury, 2010)(b) The amount of money you think it might take to _____ your goals can be much more than your goal actually requires.(Jack Cummings, Real Estate Finance and Investment Manual, 2010) Answers to Practice Exercise (a) She selected a pair of patterned silk stockings, which she did not needat least not for their usual purpose. Still hoping to obtain whatever information she could from the peddler, she sought to buy his goodwill along with the stockings.(Carrie Bebris, The Intrigue at Highbury, 2010)(b) The amount of money you think it might take to attain your goals can be much more than your goal actually requires.(Jack Cummings, Real Estate Finance and Investment Manual, 2010)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Ways to Trump Your Career
5 Ways to Trump Your Career Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is not going away anytime soon. While there are plenty of â€Å"what NOT to do†tips we can take from his long and controversial career, there’s no disputing the fact that his billions in the bank came from somewhere. And although Trump is a pretty unique phenomenon (no matter what you do to your hair to try to emulate his signature ‘do), there are definitely some takeaways that we can apply to our own careers. 1. Get investors.Trump inherited money from the family real estate business, and used this to get started with his own investment career. Now, most of us don’t have millionaire parents (at least not before this week’s Powerball drawing), so we’re not working with that kind of startup capital. But these days we have a ton of great crowdsourcing tools, if you have a small business or an idea that you want to bring to life. Sites like give you the opportunity to bring investors into your prof essional life.2. Don’t give up.Some choices will just not pan out, whether it’s a job you hate or your Atlantic City casino going belly-up. Trump’s professional entities have gone through a number of bankruptcy proceedings over the years, yet here he still is. The most important idea to take from this is that there’s always another opportunity. Learn from your losses and frustrations, and be ready to leave them behind and try again somewhere else.3. Realize everything comes down to the deals you make.Trump is synonymous with the phrase â€Å"the art of the deal.†It’s debatable whether political deals are exactly the same as business deals, but a philosophy that Trump clearly takes to heart is one that states that you will never get ahead if you don’t negotiate for yourself. That can apply to salary negotiations, working with your boss, or even managing relationships with your colleagues. Always look out for your own best interests.4. Try new things.How many billionaire businessmen can you remember hosting Saturday Night Live? When I was a kid, Donald Trump was THE go-to businessman. In later years, he started to branch out more into the entertainment industry- not the most intuitive path for someone with a Wharton business degree. And after that ran its course (with endless seasons of Apprentices and Celebrity Apprentices running around New York trying to organize soft drink launch parties to curry favor with The Donald), he took another odd turn- this time into politics. Reinventing yourself is necessary to stay out of professional ruts.5. Find talented people around you.The whole premise of The Apprentice was taking a successful person (Trump) and finding new and fresh talent to bring into his professional orbit. It’s a formula that has worked in a number of industries (every Gordon Ramsay cooking show seems to feature a chef-ship in one of his restaurants as a prize), and can work in the real world as well. No one, not even Trump, can manage an empire alone. The key is to find people around you who bring knowledge and skills that you might not have, to make sure you’re performing your best. If you’re a manager, that might mean hiring diverse talent. If you’re not a manager, that might mean bonding with a variety of different coworkers, or finding a diverse range of people to add to your network.If you like what The Donald has to say, you are likely already paging through your copy of The Art of the Deal for the third or fourth time. But even if you can’t imagine yourself ever voting for him on Election Day, it’s not the worst thing to stay open to the idea that there are things he can teach us about our own careers.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Slow Internet Surfing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Slow Internet Surfing - Essay Example Although spyware potentially harm computers in many ways, the most obvious effect of spyware infection is on surfing speed. When we get connected, the spyware automatically begin sending personal information without the knowledge of the computer user. In this way, the computer user believes he is receiving and sending his required information although in reality, his personal information is being uploaded without his notice or permission. This stealth process slows down the net surfing significantly and the user wonders what might be the actual problem for this dead slow speed. Apparently, computer users tend to believe that this problem can be overcome through installing anti-spyware software as all of the anti-spyware promise to search and destroy every kind of spyware within no time. However, it is not that easy, nor a recommended approach. In fact, the computer user has to be extra cautious while giving information online. Here are a few steps that are helpful for effectively blocking and preventing the spyware from infecting computers. Every time we visit a website, some temporary files are downloaded automaticall
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