Sunday, January 26, 2020
Development Of The Modern Atomic Theory Philosophy Essay
Development Of The Modern Atomic Theory Philosophy Essay The Modern Atomic Theory states that: 1. Atoms are no longer considered indivisible or indestructible; 2. Atoms of the same element can have different weights and atoms of different elements can have the same weight; 3. Atoms are the smallest particles that take part in chemical reactions; and 4. Atoms do not always have to combine in simple ratios (Wiz IQ). The development of this theory can be contributed to the works of John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Robert Millikan, Ernest Rutherford, Henry Moseley, Niels Bohr, Gary Motherfucking Oak, and Sir James Chadwick. John Dalton was the first scientist to propose a version of the modern atomic theory. He based his atomic theory off of ancient Greek philosophers theories on atoms, although his theory was much more accurate than theirs. Dalton did not have any experimental designs for his theory, but he did have a lot of quality research. He proposed a standard symbol for each element (right). He found that chemical elements were composed of atoms, and that the atoms in one element were all identical in weight, but atoms of different elements had different weights (Atomic Theory). John Dalton was able to prove this information because of his development of a method used to find atomic weights. He also found that atoms only combined in small whole-number ratios. This information is related to the formulation of the Law of Multiple Proportions (Historical Outline). The Law of Multiple Proportions states that when two elements can combine to form more than one compound, the mass of one element and the mass of the other element are in a ratio of small whole numbers. He created the Law of Multiple Proportions as he was experimenting with finding the atomic weights of elements (Britannica). With all of his work, John Dalton came up with his own atomic theory. It stated that 1. Matter is made up of very small, indivisible parts known as atoms; 2. Atoms of the same element are identical in every way; 3. Atoms of different elements are different in all ways; 4. When atoms of the same or different element combine they form compound atoms; 5. When combined, they do so in simple, whole-number ratios; 6. An atom is the smallest particle to have a part in chemical reactions; and 7. An atom can neither be created nor destroyed (Wiz IQ). When J.J Thomson was only 14 years when he enrolled at Owens College, Manchester. He then went on to become a Fellow of Trinity College, after that he became a professor at Cambridge. As a professor, Thomson made a few trips to America, and when he returned, he made the most brilliant discovery of his career. Thomson had discovered the electron. While he was on another trip to America, he lectured on some things he thought the structure of an atom would be (Thomson Nobel Prize). Before him, Dalton had done a lot of research with atoms, but his theory had nothing about the physical and internal structures of atoms. The evidence that led him to believe Daltons theory was not the most accurate was his own discovery of the electron, or negatively charged particles (Historical Outline). Thomson discovered the electron while experimenting with cathode rays; he concluded that a cathode ray is a stream of negatively charged particles that has a mass about 1000 times smaller than a hydrogen a tom. With this information he proposed that cathode rays are streams of particles much smaller than atoms, and that theses small particles were pieces of atoms (American Institute of Physics). In 1904, Thomson made a model of what he believed the internal structure of an atom looked like (Chemical Heritage Foundation). He called this model, Plum Pudding, because there was a positively charged bowl with negatively charged electrons in the atom that were like plums in pudding (History of Atoms). Robert Millikan grew up in rural America as the son of Reverend Silas Millikan. He attended Oberlin College. After he graduated, he taught elementary physics. He became a professor at the University of Chicago after being a teacher in every grade level. Millikan made many advancements in his career, but by far, his greatest discovery was that of the charge of an electron. Millikan determined the unit charge of the electron Thomson discovered (Millikan Nobel Prize). With the unit charge of the electron, the mass of electrons and positively charged atoms could be calculated. He found the unit charge of the electron by using his oil drop experiment. In the oil drop experiment, Millikan dropped oil drops a certain distance in air and measured how long it took the drop to fall. Then he turned on an electric field, and measured how long it took for the oil drops to rise the same distance upward. With the two times-up and down-of the oil drops, Millikan could find the mass of the drop of oi l and its total charge. Sometimes the charge of the oil drop would change and he concluded that these changes were small multiples of e, an important unit charge (Franklin). Ernest Rutherford grew up with a father who was a wheelwright and a mother who was a schoolteacher. When he was 16, Rutherford entered Nelson Collegiate School then went on to study at the University of New Zealand, where he earned a masters degree in mathematics and physics. Rutherford was awarded the Exhibition Science Scholarship, which enabled him to study at Trinity College where he would work closely with Thomson, the man who discovered the electron and found that atoms were made of electrons. Another Scientist who did work with atoms was Millikan did who found the charge of an electron; Rutherford went in depth to find a more accurate depiction of the internal structure of an atom and how the electrons play a role in its structure (Rutherford Nobel Prize). He experimented with alpha rays and concluded, with their help, that the atom was a small, heavy nucleus with electrons in orbit around it. Rutherford developed a model of this atom with a nucleus and orbiting electrons; the picture to the right is the Rutherford model. This would become the base for the model that is still accepted today (Atomic Theory). Besides stating that electrons orbit a nucleus, Rutherford also discovered the proton, which makes up the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. He found that a proton has a single positive electric charge, and that every atomic nucleus has at least one proton present. Rutherford proposed the existence of the neutron but he did not have enough factual information to prove its existence. He also proposed that all of the positive charge and all of the mass of the atom occupied a small space in the center of an atom and that most of the atom is empty space occupied by electrons (Historical Outline). Henry Moseley was raised in an educational environment. His father was a biologist and a professor of anatomy and physiology, his grandfather was also a biologist and conchologist. Moseley was awarded a scholarship to attend Eton College. After Eton College, he went to Trinity College at the University of Oxford. He then went to the University of Manchester to study under Sir Ernest Rutherford (Moseley Wikipedia). Moseley was a young scientist, who was mostly known for his work with atomic numbers and the periodic table. He experimented and found that the x-rays elements emit increase in a linear manner with each following element on the periodic table. He thought this could be directly related to the positive charge on the nucleus (Henry Moseley Wikipedia). Moseley then proved that the atomic numbers of elements were not random, but had a physical basis that could be measured. This is known as Moseleys law, and it justified many ideas in chemistry by placing the elements on the peri odic table into the correct order based on atomic number, not atomic mass (Royal Society of Chemistry). Moseleys law also justified Rutherfords view of the atom. It justified this model of the atom because the law states that the atomic number of an element is also the exact number of positive charges in the central atomic nucleus, and also Rutherfords proposal that the atom is a positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons (Moseley Wikipedia). Niels Bohr also grew up in a very educational atmosphere. His father was a distinguished physiologist, and his mother came from a family in the field of education. Bohr attended Copenhagen University where he went on to study physics. After receiving his Doctors degree, Bohr studied at Cambridge, where he studied under Thomson and Rutherford. Bohr started to study the structure of atoms based on Rutherfords findings (Bohr Nobel Prize). Ernest Rutherford found that an atom is a nucleus with electrons in orbit around it, Bohr realized that his model was not entirely correct; according to physics, it should be very unstable (PBS). Bohr came up with two rules that he applied to the movement of electrons. First, he said that electrons can only orbit a certain distance away from the nucleus. Secondly, he proposed that electrons only moved in restricted, consecutive orbital shells, and that the outer, high energy orbits determined the chemical properties of different elements (History of At oms). Bohr also suggested that electrons jump from one orbital ring to another without ever being in an in-between state. Meaning that when atoms give off energy, such as light or heat, the electron will jump to a higher or lower orbit. Bohr created a model of what his evidence would look like; the picture above is the model Bohr created, it is still used today. When Bohr published this new discovery in 1913, some people did not accept it because of the basis of his information. Bohr developed his idea off of simple atoms, but the solid evidence was that his model matched up with patterns of light emitted by real hydrogen atoms (PBS). Sir James Chadwick was born on October 20, 1891. He attended Manchester High school before entering Manchester University. Chadwick graduated in 1911 from the Honors school of Physics. He actually studied under Professor Rutherford, and he would continue to work with Rutherford for some time and in the future. Chadwick then moved on to Cambridge, where he would discover the neutron. While at Cambridge, Chadwick took a look at the current atomic model and found there was something missing (Chadwick Nobel Prize). In the previous atomic model, there were no neutrons, which made the atomic model seem incomplete. Ernest Rutherford had proposed the existence of an electrically neutral particle, but was never able to prove it existed. In 1932, Sir James Chadwick discovered the neutron. He found it to be slightly heavier than the proton with a mass of 1840 electrons and have a neutral charge (Discovery of Neutron). The incredible effort and great amount of time these scientists put in to discover more about atoms and their potential is what led us to the knowledge we have today. All of their research combined resulted in the birth of the modern atomic theory.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Cipd Developing Yourself as an Effective Hr Practitioner
Understanding customer needs As an HR practitioner it is important to indentify the needs of customers and prioritise the needs of each. Three examples of different customer and a need for each: 1. An employee enquiring about their holiday entitlement for the next holiday year 2. Payroll department require new employee details the day before the cut off period 3. Manager who requires the sickness absence report for an employee who has triggered a disciplinary hearing scheduled for the following week In order to be able to prioritise the needs of each customer it is suggested that urgency and importance be considered for each one.Reviewing the customer needs the order of priority would be task two, three and one. This order of priority has been selected because task two is required urgently and can be dealt with swiftly. Gathering the information for task three is important and can be time consuming so it is essential that this task is completed. Task three is not a high priority as i t is for the next holiday year and can be answered at a later stage. Effective communication â€Å"To be effective, communication needs to be clear, easily understood and concise.Information should be presented systematically on a regular basis and be as relevant, local and timely as possible. †Armstrong 2012 There are various channels of communication and the method needs to be considered to ensure it is appropriate for the recipient. Communication methods: Emails There are advantages to using emails; it is a convenient way to convey information to a wide audience. Information can be sent quickly and any time of the day. However the disadvantages are that it can be open for interpretation of information or tone.It is impersonal and there’s no guarantee that the recipient has read the email. Team briefings Team briefing can be an effective way of communicating information to a targeted audience. It can work well to provide key details that can be filtered from the top to the bottom. Though briefings can be time consuming and the target audience may become complainant. Information must be concise and enthusecatley presented for team briefings to be effective. Text Messages Recently a growing form of communication for organisations.It is time efficient way of sending information to a large number of reciepntants. It is cost effective and more likely to reach the receipatnt as they are likely to check their mobile telephone several times throughout the day. Unfortanaley text messages can be open for interpretation of tone or mood. It can also be inappropriate for some organistation communication. Effective Service Delivery Delivering service on time – it is vital for any organisation to ensure service is delivered on time.It is essential to keep a good relationship with your customers, provide the service that you have agreed and what is expected from a HR practitioner. Ensuring the needs are met will build trust from customers. Delivering s ervice to budget – to ensure service is delivered to budget it is a necessatity to manage time and work load. A balance of customer needs is required. Policies and procedures need to be followed to remain in budget. Dealing with difficult customers – a number of factors must be considered when dealing with difficult customers.The problem must be clarified; this will then allow the HR practitioner to identify solutions to solving the problem. Pros and cons need to be weighed for each option and the outcome implemented. Handling and resolving complaints – when handling and resolving complaints it is important to stay calm, communicate well and positively try to help the customer. Conclusion In conclusion an effective HR practitioner should ensure services are provided are timely and effectively. Consideration of customer’s needs, communication and service delivery are essential.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Konseptong Papel
IBX pcworx 173 P. Ferma St. , Anuling Lejos 1, Mendez, Cavite Phone No. : 046-8611405 Mobile No. : 0907-1120262 E-mail: ibx. [email protected] com Ref: CTG2013-02Date: 01/28/2013 To, Ms. Gina Villanueva Summer Breeze (Dencio’s Restaurant) Subject:Price Quotation for CCTV package and Installation Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your interest in our services. Please review the following cost bellow of CCTV Cameras, DVR, Server Monitor and materials: PACKAGE |DESCRIPTION |PRICE | | | | | |Package A |600TVL PACKAGE | | | | | | | |1 set 4-Channel Stand Alone DVR H. 64 Hexaplex with RemoteView (Internet Ready), Remote | | | |Control and Mouse Compatibility | | | |4 units Camera (2-Dome 600TVL / 2-Bullet 600TVL) for Day and Night Vision. | | |1 unit – 1Terabyte hard disk drive (Seagate) | | | |80 meters Siamese Cable | | | |4 units CameraPower Adapter 12v | | | |19†LED Monitor | | | | | | | |Installation Fee and other accessories materials used in installation an d cabling are | | | |included in Package price. | | | | | | |PACKAGE PRICE: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Php 34,000. 00 | PACKAGE |DESCRIPTION |PRICE | | | | | |Package B |480TVL PACKAGE | | | | | | | |1 set 4-Channel Stand Alone DVR H. 264 Hexaplex with RemoteView (Internet Ready), Remote | | | |Control and Mouse Compatibility | | | |4 units Camera (2-Dome 600TVL / 2-Bullet 600TVL) for Day and Night Vision. | | |1 unit – 1Terabyte hard disk drive (Seagate) | | | |80 meters Siamese Cable | | | |4 units Camera Power Adapter 12v | | | |19†LED Monitor | | | | | | | |Installation Fee and other accessories / materials used in installation and cabling are | | | |included in Package price. | | | | | | | |PACKAGE PRICE: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Php 29,500. 00 | INCLUDED IN PACKAGES: 480TVL vs. 600TVL PREVIEW Product Deliver, Installation and Service Terms: 5 days from work order date.Payment Terms and Conditions: Taka 60% of quoted value should be paid along with work order and rest 40% should be paid at the date of job completion. GUARANTEE: One (1) year on the finishing works and workmanship from the date of completion excluding any damages or defects caused directly or indirectly by wrongful action of the purchaser, third parties, of Act of God, which include all fortuitous event. This guarantee is null and void unless all accounts due are paid in full. We hope to serve you for the best of your interest. Kindly confirm your acceptance by signing on the space provided below Thank you, Yours faithfully,Conforme: __________________ ___________________ Date: ______________
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Since 1935, When Welfare Was Set In Place And Made Known,
Since 1935, when Welfare was set in place and made known, Americans have been profoundly impacted in many ways. Not just the recipient s economic state but also the society around them as a whole has been greatly affected as well. The Welfare system is constructed on the fundamentals of distribution and equality along with opportunities for individuals who cannot afford the minimum level of well-being in today s economic society. There has been much controversy surrounding Welfare based on the beliefs of some that it is an outdated and obsolete system. â€Å"During the Great Depression of the 1930s, local and state governments, as well as private charities, were overwhelmed by needy families seeking food, clothing, and shelter†(â€Å"How Welfare†¦show more content†¦Continually ever changing and pushing forward to help millions of people who cannot afford basic essential needs without it. For example, Welfare provides food stamps to people who are struggling with w ays to supply and place food on the table every day for themselves along with their families. During hard times, food stamps, become a very much needed basic staple that allows access to nutritious food and everyday living must haves. With food stamps, one can provide food for their family while using other income to help pay for things such as rent, other common living expenses, and bills. Welfare allows a section of society the opportunity to provide for their families and maintain a basic lifestyle and a decent opportunity to succeed in the standardized sub culture today. Another branch or aid that Welfare has in place is Section 8 or subsidized housing. Section 8 is an affordable housing act that has helped house roughly 4.8 million people individuals who have a low income and may struggle financially. Section 8 provides families with the most basic fundament living aspects, this being a safe and affordable housing structure to protect and provide shelter for the family unit. Th ose who are on Welfare are required to apply for jobs and show proof of doing so if they are currently unemployed. Programs are set in place to assist an individual in theirShow MoreRelatedThe Civilian Conservation Corps : A New Deal Program1504 Words  | 7 PagesFollowing the Civilian Conservation Corps, another new deal program was established. This one was known as The Tennessee Valley Authority. The Tennessee Valley Authority was established in 1933 in order to control floods, improve navigation, improve the living standards of farmers, and produce electrical power along the Tennessee River and its rivers. The Tennessee Valley Authority joined all the activities of the various government agencies in the area and placed them under the control of a singleRead MoreThe Great Depression By Franklin D. 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