Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Prohibition Is Not Just An Act - 981 Words
Hailie Dudley Mrs. Ernst English 11A 12-8-15 Prohibition Prohibition was not just an act, it was an era that changed American citizens’ daily lives; although the banning of alcohol sounded like a great idea at the time, the â€Å"noble experiment†as many called it, failed tremendously. Prohibition most certainly started with the noblest of intentions, but in its final days, it left the states with higher crime rates and deadly mobs making a fortune off of the illegal substances. Alcohol was consuming the country; it flowed like water into nearly every home, poorhouse, and it even trickled into the streets with the selling of booze on most busy street corners. As the consumption of alcohol grew, so did tensions in the average american home. The once-happy families were being torn apart by the â€Å"evils†of liquors. The average husband worked all day to support his family, then came home and ventured into a afternoon of binge drinking. Many of these husbands would become disgruntled and angry over small civil disputes. A powerful group of activists began to wage a war on alcohol; they made it their mission to eradicate liquor in an effort to help the country return to simpler and more godly times. The movement, known as Prohibition, may well go down as one of the biggest legislative backfires in American history. Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages that remained in placeShow MoreRelatedProhibition in Canada Essay628 Words  | 3 PagesProhibition in Canada Prohibition was a very interesting time in the history of Canada it was a very good time period for the country and also a bad time for the country. 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It did the exact opposite by adding to the problems that it was intended to solve†(Thorton). It is also considered to be the thirteen years that damaged America. On January 16, 1920 one of the most disobeyed laws was put into effect. The 18th amendment, also known as Prohibition, was ineffective and caused more corruptionRead MoreDuring the late 19th century and early 20th century the United States saw many political reforms1100 Words  | 5 Pages15 during the time prior Prohibition drank almost seven gallons of pure alcohol a year. Prohibition was a period of time in which the average citizen broke the law because alcohol was a major part of citizens’ lives and the restrictions on the sale, transportation, and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages illegal. The urbanized North and Midwest were against Prohibition and the rural West and South suppor ted the ban of alcohol. 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